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Wise Banking


Wise Banking gives your company secure communication channels with your bank. The system complies with inter-bank standards (IOBS) and meets the most demanding security requirements.

The system reads bank transactions and pairs them with existing entries in the books. This saves an enormous amount of time compared to striking out entries and marking paper statements. You can define "regular transactions" in the system so that similar future transactions will be recognized, thus reducing manual input and saving time.

Wise Banking

In short

  • Automatic reconciliation of bank accounts
  • Save time and work efficiently
  • Real-time balances for all bank accounts in one place
  • Digital payment system for banking
  • Fulfils banks' strictest security requirements

Supported banks

  • Landsbanki Íslands
  • Íslandsbanki
  • Arion banki
  • Kvika banki
  • Sparisjóður Austurlands
  • Sparisjóður Strandamanna
  • Sparisjóður Höfðhverfinga
  • Sparisjóður Suður-þingeyinga
  • Seðlabanki Íslands


Wise Banking

System features