A well-known international cybercrime group has launched a cyberattack on part of Wise’s systems and obtained copies of certain data. However, the attack has not affected Wise’s operations or services. It is clear that this is a serious attack, and Wise’s response reflects the severity of the situation.
Upon detecting the attack, Wise activated its security response plan and has been working to ensure security and minimize the impact of the incident in accordance with the plan. Leading experts from the cybersecurity firm Syndis have been called in to assist with assessing the scope of the attack, analyzing the current status, and strengthening defenses against further attacks.
Wise has already reported the incident to the Icelandic Data Protection Authority (Persónuvernd) in compliance with regulations, and efforts are underway to inform affected customers about the incident. It is important to note that the attack does not affect Wise’s operational services (formerly known as Þekking).
The criminal group behind the attack has recently targeted large corporations and governments around the world, employing sophisticated methods that are particularly difficult to defend against, such as targeting individual users.
Wise is certified according to international security standards and is actively working to secure its environment against further attacks. Wise is committed to transparency and will provide further updates as soon as more information becomes available.